So back to last weekend... I'm needing that kind of fix. I had thought about trying to do one of my quick solo Sunday morning dashes where I get out before the sun comes up, but Saturday night I decided to join a group of riders that was planning to head out at 8:15 am. I only knew a couple of them but why not? After all if you mis-judge the whole fun vs safety equation, it's nice to know there is likely someone around to make sure you have some kind of help. The group meets at Trophy Club Dr and 114. Thanks to the new diet it seems like I'm always hungry so I was pretty relieved when I had some extra time and found a Whataburger right up the road and picked up some quick breakfast. I love being on the road on weekend mornings before most people are out and about. The crisp morning, the empty roads, it's perfect. As I get off the bike and start pulling off the helmet I realize I'm likely to get a few snickers from the early crowd as I walk in wearing my white power ranger outfit. Oh well, if I really paid attention to what other people thought, I probably wouldn't be riding anyway. Besides, that one piece leather suit isn't going to get broken in hanging in the closet. A cup of coffee, a mess of scrambled eggs, and some sausage quiets my noisy stomach and crosses off the last item on my morning checklist. I'm ready to ride

A group of about eight of us got underway at around 8:30. Final destination -- Muenster, Texas. I can't help but pronounce that name with a heavy slow drawl in my mind, but Muenster really is a cute little town worth working in to a visit if possible, especially if it's around their German-fest celebration. It seems Muenster was settled by German Catholic immigrants and Muenster has one of the prettiest churches around.
So back to the ride... Everything was pretty uneventful as we left the metroplex and worked our way north on small two lane backroads. About twenty minutes out, we came up on a couple of large slow moving trucks. I've got to give the lead rider props for being so patient and waiting for a good time to pass. Then once he had passed he stayed in the left lane to let us know the road was clear. Riding in about the 4th spot, I loved cracking that throttle open and feeling that big bike turn into a missle. In the blink of an eye I was past the truck and back on the brakes to get back in line. Surprisingly no one else following came with me. We cruised along for a few miles but still no one followed. We were going to double back when one of the riders in our pack said he knew the other guys and they like taking their time and might even take a different route so we shouldn't worry about them.
We rolled on and finally hit stretches of twisty road. The roller coasters up hills and down to bridges over creeks was fun, but there's nothing like slowly sliding off the seat in a lean and rolling through a fast sweeper. We had a blast for the next 30 minutes or so. I'm really glad I was following someone who rode at a quick pace and really knew the roads well. His visual cues really helped me anticipate road changes and helped me set good entrance speeds for turns with which I was unfamiliar. By the time we finally pulled into the restaurant in Muenster, I had done a pretty good job of scuffing my boots on both sides and shaving the chicken strips on the tires down to about a 1/4". Not bad for a big ole' bagger.

After breakfast, I had to get cooking to get back home since I had started later than usual, so I super-slabbed it. When I rolled in the driveway, I really couldn't help but smile when I looked at the bike. The FJR felt like a 600cc sport bike in the twisties and never felt sluggish or unstable and on the road back, the ride was silky smooth and so comfortable. Maybe you can have your cake and eat it too. (can't wait for those 15 lbs to come off to put that to the test)
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