Lunch in Paris... sounds sorta fancy schmancy doesn't it? This entry was supposed to be one detailing the latest exploits of the Hombres Malos and our run to Deal's Gap. Unfortunately the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go out the window. Suffice it to say that this hombre ended up in state. Luckily someone from offered to organize a local ride on 4/19. So Sunday morning at 9:30, four of us met up and wandered north east of the metroplex. Fuzzy led us on a route that roughly followed this google map:
Map Link
It turned out to be a great day though a bit cloudy and cool the closer we got to Paris.

A hot cup of coffee at McKee's and an order of pancakes helped to take the chill out though and provided an opportunity to talk about all the turtles in the road, the constant cross-wind, the dried mud on the road in the middle of tight turns and the crazy free range dog that decided to cut through the group to get from one side of the road to the other. Thankfully everyone made it through without any problems.
I'm not sure exactly how much distance we covered but it was in the ballpark of 250-300... enough to let me know my tush had grown a bit soft over the winter.